slowhand Digest				Volume 01 : Issue 276

Today's Topics:
	 Down with Hillman!
	 stepping down???
	 Delivery problems
	 Delivery problems
	 Online Submission Form
	 AOL and Reptile trades
	 Tour goodies; Hillman

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From: Bryan Reid 
Subject: Down with Hillman!
Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT

Hey, I like this. The Digest has been way too subdued of late. Bill and I
sort of wore each other out, not to mention running out of good material and
being threatened with banishment. So, let's all whale away at Dave for
awhile. I mean he's getting fabulously wealthy from those outrageous
subscription fees we pay to belong to the SD, isn't he? Sitting there in the
idle lap of luxury, eating bon-bons and watching EC videos while the AOLers
are locked out of the Digest. Off with his head!

You know, the anti-Microsoft crowd has always amused me with their
"Microsoft will take over the world" rhetoric. I've always been much more
concerned that AOL would. Microsoft may want everyone to run on their
software but they've never tried to control content. All they care about is
sales - just good old-fashioned, crass American capitalism. AOL has and does
control content to this day, and will no doubt tomorrow as well. Big Brother
is alive and well at AOL Time Warner. There are plenty of well-run ISPs that
don't block (intentionally or otherwise) the SD or anything else for that
matter. And the vast majority of them don't blast you with a million pop-ups
everytime you sign on.

Hmmmmmnnn... if this is gonna work, we need some real sleezy slime to throw
at Dave.

Hmmmmmnnn... how 'bout Dave thinks Peter Frampton's a better guitarist than


From: (John Broholm)
Subject: stepping down???
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Peter seems to be feeling his oats when he says:

>Feel free to forward this to digest for me, better to Hillmann directly.

>   Its time to step down Hillmann !!!

Well, be very, very careful what you ask for because you might get it. If Dave "steps down" (after all the time he has "stepped up" to deliver this digest), are you ready to run this sucker for nothing, in your spare time, and guarantee that everybody on AOL and all the other services will get it cleanly and trouble-freely? If you could hear me speaking right now, you would hear my voice dripping with skepticism. 

If somebody really thinks they have the solution (and I certainly don't), let 'em communicate privately with Dave. Recriminations don't do diddly. 

There's been a lot of complication in the e-mail world, which used to be very simple and manageable. I have a Netscape account (now practically the same thing as a Yahoo account) on which I had trouble getting a digest from a Yahoo-generated list. You think Netscape's help section was really any help? Guess again. The problem mysteriously cleared up. I get another digest from a group, and sometimes it comes without line breaks -- one big block of type. The Slowhand Digest used to hang up in my vax-computer account at the university where I work, and it would clog my access to the account. I had to change my address and work off another computer. 

None of this used to happen. There's incompatibility out there. AOL, by every account I've seen, leads the universe in screwing up the standards. After all, they're AOL. Their Accountability is On Loan somewhere else. 

So, go ahead, have Dave "step down" (as if he were a CEO whose earnings report wasn't up to snuff) and see where it leaves us. If you try to find a solution, that's something else. But firing the list owner is a total contradiction in terms -- a waste of time at best and probably very damaging. It ain't the way.

John Broholm

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From: David Hillman 
Subject: Delivery problems
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

   I'm aware that people are having problems sending and receiving
messages to and from the Digest.

   There is nothing I can do about that difficulty.  It is obviously
specific to certain ISPs, and they will not help me diagnose the problem.

   That said, the relatively good news is that I'm going to be relocating
the Digest ( and all my other projects ) to another ISP on my end sometime
in the future, for reasons not unrelated to the Digest.

   There is the possibility that service will improve at that time.

   Until then, unless you can tell me *why* certain ISPs are unable to
send or receive this mail, further notification will not be particularly

   Your patience is appreciated.

 D a v i d  H i l l m a n


From: David Hillman 
Subject: Delivery problems
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

I wrote...
> to another ISP on my end sometime in the future, for reasons not
> unrelated to the Digest.

   This is what I get for changing my grammar after the first write; that
should be either "unrelated" or "not related", but definitely not "not

   Too many bon-bons no doubt.

 D a v i d  H i l l m a n


From: David Hillman 
Subject: Online Submission Form
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

   If you are one of the people unable to post to the Digest, you may find
some relief by using the following service;

   At that location you'll find a form that will allow you to post your
message to the Digest.

 D a v i d  H i l l m a n


From: jim jackson 
Subject: AOL and Reptile trades
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


I have been an AOL user for several years.  I
also have had problems with AOL, but have also
had various problems with the three other
services I use.  The best thing to do if you're
on AOL and not getting the SH digest is sign-up
for the free Yahoo service.  I get on-line with
AOL, then check my e-mails and digest
subscriptions using Yahoo.  Never had a problem
getting the SH digest or posting to it.

Now, I have about fifteen shows from the recent
Reptile tour.  Any trades?


Do You Yahoo!?
Find the one for you at Yahoo! Personals


From: "Tracy Warner" 
Subject: Tour goodies; Hillman
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

T-shirts, programs, windbreakers and other memorabilia from the 2001 tour
are on sale, much of it 50 % or more off. See

The man who makes the digest exist,  Dave Hillman, has been the subject of
unwarranted criticism. Long-time slowhanders may remember that when Fish,
the previous keeper of the digest, was ordered to remove it from a
government-owner server, it was Dave Hillman -- and no one else -- who
stepped up to take it over. He gets no reimbursement but plenty of grief for
his efforts (Remember the flame wars he's been forced to referee and
terminate? The rambling, non-E.C. posts he's had to police?)

The AOL problem is indeed disappointing, but Dave has made valiant efforts
to try to solve it, and it's one of those things. The person who suggested
Dave be "fired" is free to start their own AOL digest. My hat is off to Dave
for making this exchange available.

End of slowhand Digest V01 Issue #276

