slowhand Digest				Volume 02 : Issue 16

Today's Topics:
	 Fw: arrogance
	 NAMM show

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From: "Jeff and Mary Berk" 
Subject: Fw: arrogance
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I used to live in my mother's basement.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "GREG Wenker" 
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 4:54 PM
Subject: arrogance

> Why is it that arrogant Olli and company can't
> accept that some people might like the early Clapton
> over his later work, without disparaging us. I'm not a
> pot head,I've owned my own home for years and not once
> during that time did I live in my mother's basement,
> my IQ is not in the single digits and I'm capable of
> accepting change in my life. And by God I still like 
> CREAM!!!!!
>                                   g.w.
> p.s. I don't drive a multi-colored VW bus,either...
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From: "Monte Tourville" 
Subject: arrogance???
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Poor Olli seems to have taken the flak intended for me. As usual, the
original post was not read thoroughly by some and taken as a personal
affront, something which I took care to avoid by saying in the original "I
dont' wish to cast aspersions on the great people who contribute
thoughtfully to this great site". The barbs were intended for the Chicago
rock critic for whom Fabio so righteously kicked ass. I also took care to
point out the diversity of the blues ( the post's subject), it's great
audience and understand the potential controversy. G.W.-you're a good man,
sorry you misunderstood. I just can't see why people (not you) perpetually
confuse technique and virtuosity for creativity in repertoire. I never said
a thing about I.Q's. I DID, however, myself live in my parents basement,
played Cream solo's, drive a multi-colored VW bus and all the attendant
miscreant activities. I did move out in 1969 at age 19.
"Keep on growin"


From: "Scott Wallenberg" 
Subject: NAMM show
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The painted strat on display was a regular Clapton strat with a special
paint job. It was purchased by Rainbow Music. I did not find out what the
price was.The only Clapton bandmate I saw was Steve Ferrone who is drumming
for Tom Petty.

End of slowhand Digest V02 Issue #16
