Monday, October 27, 2008

Expresso Joe (Bonamassa)

Well if two Frampton shows is better than one, and two Buckingham shows is better than one ... two Bonamassa shows are in order!

Wow, what a difference a week makes! Some artists react differently to different venues, and as many times as I have seen Joe Bonamassa, I've never seen him perform at the level he did at BB King's in New York. He joined the stage (to quote one of my old trading buddies, always liked that turn of phrase) with his hair slicked back, a great pair of Ray-Bans, and an even better suit. That set the tone for the evening and we were totally off to the races:

The show was sold out and the place was *packed* - way to go Joe!

As always, there are more vids for your viewing pleasure ... enjoy!



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